Saturday, January 23, 2021

Dairy-free, fluffy mashed potatoes

While you can make mashed potatoes by simply smashing up your potatoes the fluffy, creamy potatoes that many of us are accustomed to eating usually involves some kind of dairy - butter, milk, cream or actually in my family, we really like to add cream cheese to ours.

The dairy really transforms them into another dish. So, how do you make them dairy free but still decadently delicious? Well, you might think I am crazy but coconut milk or more specifically, coconut cream. The creamy/solid part of a can of full-fat coconut milk.

I promise you will not taste coconut in these potatoes at all. It's amazing to me how close the taste is the dairy laden potatoes of my childhood.


2 lbs potatoes, diced into 1" cubes, peeled if desired or not

1 can full-fat coconut milk

2 Tbl ghee

Spices - whatever you like in your mashed potatoes, I use garlic, salt and pepper.

Cooking equipment: potato masher or hand mixer

Boil your potatoes until they are soft in enough water to cover them, about 20 minutes. Drain the water and add the coconut milk using only the solid coconut cream, reserving the liquid from the can. Add the ghee and spices to your taste. Mash the potatoes, I use my kitchen aid hand mixer to mash. If the potatoes are too thick you can use some of liquid from the can or additional ghee until they are your desired consistency.

I like to mix a little extra ghee in when I eat them too. :)

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